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However, I did complete TWO YEARS of college studying GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY, Food technology,Food Microbiology and Biochemistry prior to deciding that I am more inclined to the CLINICAL SIDE of things and hence decided to get into MEDICAL SCIENCE .

I did very well in medical school thereafter and am now a "kick-ass" doctor .

My interest in "Food" and the "Science of cooking" continues to this day and explains why I now have a Food blog as part of my LECINQBLOG family of Blogs

I seek to dispel FOOD FADS, food myths via this food blog.I seek also to increase health awareness by canvassing for healthier diets.

Good chef meets GOOD DOCTOR meets good writer=Informative food blog, no?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

HumanS are NOT carnivores. Information about veganism.

I turned vegan in july 2008, Have successfully managed to stay vegan though I was really skeptical about my capacities at resisting cheese and eggs since I was a major cheese addict. Most other people cannot give up certain foods not because of the simple reason that they like them but because many of these said foods contain or release certain substances in the body which have an action on the brain similar to opiates. Thus these substances have the propensity to make people want to crave them and want to eat them over and over. Examples of such foods are eggs, cheese and red meat. Due to such addictions people might be too unwilling to even try veganism.
They start making excuses about how
EXCUSE 1/We are all carnivores --
Well, we are scavengers , we are not carnivores coz we don't have large jaws that can bit through a large animal and eat raw meat. We are not carnivores since naturally we have no capicity to hunt with our bare hands without instruments. Lions, Tigers , crocodiles and sharks are true carnivores since they can prefectly hunt their prey without any outside help of instruments and such. We on the other hand pick up pieces of dead animals from supermarket shelves and then call ourselves carnivores
EXCUSE 2/Oh what about our protein needs -
First of all animal protein has no inherent fiber in it. Our digestive systems are very very long much similar to plant eating herbivores. When an intestine is meters long , the food only passes very slowly.This only foods containing undigestible fiber can have enough bulk to pass along these long herbivorous intestines. So, our intestines are not designed to consume and properly digest animal proteins.
Also, Our daily protein intake must only be 20% of our daily calorific diet. An average weighing human who does moderate work will prolly require just 1600-2000 kcalories of energy and 20% of that is around 400 kcal of energy be derived from proteins(any protein-not just animal protein) Each gram of protein approximately yeilds around 4.5kcal of energy .So , our daily protein intake must only be around 90g . Please remember that a combination of lentils in a single serving of a very small portion of 90-100g is what our body needs in terms of protein requirement.
In contrast, a large steak by itself is fiberless protein with marbled fat and this protein by itself is 200-400g per serving and thus giving us more calories and proteins than a human being required.
I explain all this coz people use the "oh but what about our protein requirement if i become vegan" clause each time I talk about veganism.
Also, if you eat a nice bowl of lentils which weigh around 100 grams , you fulfil your daily requirement of protein and feel full at the same time.
If you, on the other hand eat a single small piece of meatweighing 100g , you don't feel full at all. If you eat more meat enough to make you feel full , you are overstuffing yourself with protein you don't need. Why do you think this happens? coz meat is not our natural diet.Our bodies are designed to not stop eating till we are full. Lentils thus work for us. We can eat as much as want till we feel full and yet we won't overeat in terms of calorific intake. . Also, this meat sits and rots in our colon as it has no fiber and give rise to coloncancer in the long run in heavy meat eaters. There has been an increased incidence of colon cancer off late due to the easier availability of meat off supermarket shelves and thus increased consumption of meat.
Also, there is something calling NITROGEN BALANCE in our body. Proteins are nitrogen containing molecules . when meat is consumed at more than 100 g per day(which on a average all meat eating people do if they eat two meals with meat in it) , it tips off the nitrogen balance and your kidneys work overtime to work off and bring this nitrogen balance to normal. To explain this further, people who were purely on a animal protein diet and nothing else especially Atkins etc, within a couple of weeks the urine started smelling really WEIRD in the words of the subjects themselves. This is the kidney trying to expel all toxins to bring back the nitrogen balance within normal limits. Thus regular meat eating puts pressure on yoru kidneys and can actually lead to kidney stones . You can clearly note how your urine and fecal matters starts smelling less offensive if you have been on a meat free diet for more than two weeks. Try it out and let me know
EXCUSE 3/Oh how can we get calcium without milk-
You need first understand that milk is the breast secretions of a pregnant cow. A cow has to get pregnant and give birth to a calf before being able to start producing milk. I am sure you get the point when i say that obviously nature hasn't designed any animal where it depends on another animal's pregnancy state for its own calcium needs. There were no farms during the time of early man. yeah? There was absolutely no way man could ensure that wild buffaloes would first get pregnant and then let themselves get milked or some such. All these foods are acquired tastes and altered food patterns. A cow's milk is designed for the rapid growth of a calf and not for calcium needs of an adult human being. Moreover the calcium that is present in cow's milk is present in combination with other substances that make it not easily absorbable in our intestines.
There are better and easier sources of calcium in our plant sources. Easily available are spinach, broccoli, millets etc. oranges have good amount of calcium too. And also the calcium from plant sources is more easily absorbed too.
EXCUSE 4/We are on top of the FOOD CHAIN , this is how nature works yada yada, so veganism doesn't make sense
Well, first off, A food chain is a chain, It doesn't make sense talking about top and bottom of a chain. Anyways, I already explained how , if we are left in the wild with no instruments, we are prefectly incapable of hunting down a cow or even a pig with our bare hands. I mean a cow is larger than us and a pig is heavier than us and both of them run faster than us. Have you see a lion hunt a deer? A lion is not only heavier than the deer, it runs as fast as a deer and has large heavy paws and very very long carnivorous canines. The kind of small tiny canines we have,those are not even useful to crack open an almond nutshell. Really. Our bodies much like other monkeys is suited for gathering fruit and gathering mushrooms, gathering stuff and eating them up.Yes agriculture allowed us to give back to nature by planting and growing our own foods rather than just constantly gather things from plants and never propogate them. But even prior to agriculture, we were only gatherers coz we are perfectly incapable of hunting. Our bodies are not designed to hunt at all. If still in doubt, go watch some animal planet where a lion or a cheetah or a shark or a crocodile or even a wild dog hunts for its food. Can we do that? NO, NOT WITHOUT INSTRUMENTS. so, yeah, WE ARE NOT CARNIVORES, we are plain humble scavengers .
EXCUSE 4/Oh veganism or vegetarianism is an eating disorder
whoa, where did this come from. It looks like people are so used to what they have been eating since they were born that they somehow have come to view that eating pattern as normal and therefore view anything different as an eating disorder primarily as a way of IMMATURE EGO DEFENCE. you know, something like, fear of the unfamiliar. If you were born in a meat eating family, you most likely were fed meat all through childhood and therefore that is where emotional childhood attachments lie. That is what feel normal to you.But please remember that just because that is what you are used to doesn't make it normal food.
A cow always only eats plant matter but off late, the factory farmers decided to save up money and therefore have started feeding these animals ground up body parts of their own species after butchering out the saleable parts. So, now we have a whole bunch of cows in farms that are eating other cow remains. People start eating anything when they get hungry, that doesn't mean it is normal. So yes, if you are eating meat and that is what your great grandmother ate doesn't mean that meat is normal.
So yeah a horse or a cow only naturally eats grass . Will you call that an eating disorder too? NO, right? Well, we are gatherer herbivores too. We are not natural meat eaters. So infact, eating meat is the actual eating disorder where humans have taken to eating anything to survive in areas where plants don't grow year round.
Do you remember that episode in Sienfeld where kramer feeds the horse canned meat? Well, the horse ate it and kept farting all the time. You know why? The same reason most meat eaters fart horribly smelly stuff. Neither of our intestines are naturally designed to digest animal protein.
Also, vegan and vegetarians are less likely to get obese or get diabetes or cardiac disease. Why? Because they are eating what their bodies can take. Meat eaters on the other hand are pressurizing their bodies and testing the limits each day. No wonder the body gives up and starts showing signs of stress aka Diabetes, kidney stones or cardiac disease.

excuse 5/Oh vegan food tastes like crap
dude, the reason why it tastes like crap is because you didn't make it right. The reason why you didn't make it right is coz you never ate good vegan food in your life. You know how recipes are handed down from parents to children. Btw, If you undercooked and underseasoned meat I am sure it tastes even crappier than badly made vegan food . The solution to this is to first start understanding and accepting that vegan food is our natural food . Meat is the abnormal food. This positivity will then allow you to buy and try out all vegan foods(which there are a lot many and many of them are actually cheap products too if you start thinking clear. potatoes are vegan , yeah? yeah, Tomatoes are vegan, yeah? yeah. Olives are vegan , yeah? yeah. nuts are vegan , yeah? yeah. ) Infact most meat dishes depend on plant ingredients to make them tasty. you know how a few herbs and some lemon and pepper makes meat palatable? well, you essentially had to use vegan ingredients to make your meat more edible. That says a lot , doesn;t it? it says that our bodies are naturally inclined to find vegan smells and tastes edible . yeah?
So, yes, with some lil googling you will easily find recipes with vegan dishes and recipes. Even otherwise, all it takes is, buy anything that you find vegan, come home, experiment and do not be afraid to try. You will be baffled at how much more variety there is in vegan food than in meat.
Try it , be objective, be ready to take up a challenge and have an open mind. Do your body a favor and love your fellow animals and become vegan today. Trust me, your body will thank you.

p.s: yeah for the close minded stubborn person who told me, " Never eat anything your great grandmother ate"
Dude, your grandmother never ate this much processed food, no pocky, no cheerios no nothing. Cereals and pocky are modern day inventions much past your greatgrandmother.How come you are chomping them down like there is no tommorow? Also, if your greatgrandmother had never eaten what her great grandmother never ate and if in turn her great grandmother had never eaten what her great grandmother had never eaten, we humans would never had gotten around to eating meat in the first place.
So stop being stubborn, stop being afraid to give up things you are Addicted to and try . When there is proof that meat is not good, not for us, not for the animals, we must be humble enough to admit our mistake and give it up.
Trust me, I thought that i would never ever able to give up cheese but you know what, it is easy, The first two weeks are the toughest , after that our body goes back to our natural mode and you start realizing how much cow's milk and cheese smell weird in some ways.
I know this guy who went vegetarian for his girl friend for six months and finally when he broke up with her after six months and tried eating meat again, he kinda puked coz the bad smell and lack of texture was hard to ignore after months of crunchy good smelling food.. True story.

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