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However, I did complete TWO YEARS of college studying GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY, Food technology,Food Microbiology and Biochemistry prior to deciding that I am more inclined to the CLINICAL SIDE of things and hence decided to get into MEDICAL SCIENCE .

I did very well in medical school thereafter and am now a "kick-ass" doctor .

My interest in "Food" and the "Science of cooking" continues to this day and explains why I now have a Food blog as part of my LECINQBLOG family of Blogs

I seek to dispel FOOD FADS, food myths via this food blog.I seek also to increase health awareness by canvassing for healthier diets.

Good chef meets GOOD DOCTOR meets good writer=Informative food blog, no?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alec Baldwin and Ian wright-Irish vegetarian pride.

I like each of them for a different reason
Firstly,I think Alec Baldwin is a very handsome guy. He is what, 40 plus now?He is chubby too and yet is very handsome.Trust me , I have no fancy for people much older than me,nor do I have fancy for chubby people .So, ofcourse, i don't lust for this old man.But ofcourse, i think he is really handsome.
Infact the whole of the Baldwin family has managed to look good somehow.This could have happenned only if there was some kind of severe inbreeding between similarly looking and similarly ridiculously goodlooking people..NM. that...
I like Alec Baldwin now even more coz i got to know he is a vegetarian...Very very very nice.I saw him on the video..Meet your meat...hmmmmm
Either ways I recently warmed up to him because of him getting  bashed  because he left a stressed out message for his daugther coz she missed out on his call .hmmmmmmm.(2012 update:There is a whole underlying psychiatric and sociological issue that I would discuss when it comes to divorced couples and child custody.this blog I WILL POST on my ANTIDOTE TO ANGER BLOG as a separate blog entry soon)
Anyways, Now coming to Ian wright..of the Lonely planet, Globe trekker fame...I love love love him...Ofcourse, i never knew that the lines these tv travellers belt out are all scripted and is not part of what they speak out spontaneously...Anways,,I find that he really has the sould of a true traveller, no preformed ideas about people or places, NO prejuidices, will almost try anything with a real open mind (not pretending to having one, but actually having a real open mind)..I was most surprised to learn very recently that he actually is a vegetarian too..Yay..I was jumping up and down...I mean..He just tries eating anything and everything and travels to all those 'difficult to manage' places(places which those rosy hotel travelling travel hosts would flatly refuse to go to ) and eats goat eyes and testicles of all sorts and places..and he does it just for the show inspite of him being a sorta defeats the purpose in a way..but hey, i was pleasantly surprised to learn that he is a vegetarian..Made me warm up to him a lil more , if hadn't warmed up enough already...
Yours truly is a vegetarian,,Yours truly is unbashedly self confessingly goodlooking too and yours truly is a true traveller truly now extends her hugs to both alec baldwin and Ian wright..YOu guys rock...Incidentally both alec and Ian are Irish..aren't they?Alec is...I think Ian is too.Ya for Irish vegetarian pride.


The above original blog entry was written sometime in 2009.It is 2012 now.3 years down the line.I am equipped with more information on this topic and on these people.I am updating this blog entry just to correct some POSSIBLE INACCURACIES that might have creeped into the older entry.
First off, From what I gather, Ian wright of the lonely planet/globe trekker IS NOT a vegetarian..He also is a smoker(much to my disapproval).The smoking explains his really bad teeth , maybe?
Ian wright also went ahead and started his own production company called ROAST BEEF PRODUCTIONS in the recent past,which produced this TVseries called INVITE MR.WRIGHT.Did I like it? well, they were okay, but not so "spectacularly-capturing my imagination" like those LONELY PLANET programs  did .
Anyways, returning to ALEC BALDWIN..Again,not really sure if he is a vegetarian...I have seen him on the KNOW YOUR MEAT series.But see, these days,even meat eaters get contacted by peta to promote vegetarianism,which is ironic and stupid and overall a yeah.whateva!
I recently saw alec baldwin on the emmy's of 2012...and well, he HAS GOTTEN THINNER and in the process LESS CUTER
Funny that!
Funny how some people look really raw in their young years and in their middle age with the added chubbiness to their face, they start looking cuter and cuddlier.I would assume that alec would start looking handsomer once he managed to get thinner  after how fat he was in 30ROCK(which btw is another series that saw its last season-that is what I gathered from what tina fey said at the emmy red carpet, anyways)..but he got thinner and I saw him on the emmy 2012 telecast and NOT SO HANDSOME as his chubby self..why?oh , why!
So yeah..there goes my update.btw..Not really sure if Ian is irish or british..alec is probably of irish descent but american.duh!

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